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The customer wanted to develop an MVP for a digital renting platform for equipment, household appliances, and other goods. The goal of the project was to develop a user-friendly marketplace that enables: signing-in process, personal account settings, connection to the payment systems, ability to.comment and rate items, booking the items.


Key Points

Industry: Sharing economy

Methodology: Scrum

Team: Frontend developer 1, Backend developer 1, QA engineer 1, Designer 1, Project Manager 1

Technologies: Django, Angular Universal

Duration: 4 months


The customer’s objective was to develop a user-friendly marketplace that allows users to rent items. According to the specific requirements, the task faced several challenges:

  • Signing in process should be available via social media
  • The booking system had to be synchronized with a calendar
  • Each user needed rating points
  • Opportunity to rent for both registered and non-registered users
  • Notifications connection via SMS



Our developers streamlined the development process by selecting the most relevant technologies:

  • Designed secure and scalable infrastructure for implementing the social login via AWS Cognito.
  • Connected payment systems and sms notifications
  • Realized user’s ability to register, edit their profiles, r.com the password
  • Allowed users to add the selected items to Favorites and book the items due to the lender’s place of living
  • Implemented bonus rating system for lenders and borrowers
  • Developed.communication tools to help lenders and borrowers interact with each other through.comments and likes.

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We also implemented Amazon AWS:

  • S3 – for storing application static files and Cloudformation templates
  • ECR – for storing images of the application’s server side
  • ECS – for launching server side images and tasks
  • ElasticCache
  • RDS PostgreSQL – use as application’s relational database
  • ALB (Load Balancer) – use as load balancer
  • Certificate Manager – for issuing SSL certificates
  • Route 53 – use as a hosted zone for routing
  • Lambda – for clients’ authentifications through Cognito, as well as to run node js server
  • AWS Redis – as message broker
  • Serverless – allows for easy application deployment on the AWS server
  • Cloudformation – to control the application stack
  • Cognito – for user authentication


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