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The client wanted to design an MVP app for kayak rentals. The application should include registration via Apple ID, an interactive map, a booking system for different sports equipment and boats, and support for leaving.comments and feedback.


Key Points

Industry:Sports & Equipment


Team:Business Analyst 1, iOS developer 2, Backend developer 2, Designer 1, QA 1, Project Manager 1

Technologies:Swift, Python

Duration:6 months


The customer’s objective was to develop a user-friendly application that will gather all the vendors in one place and help the users to choose one. According to the specific requirements, the task faced several challenges:

  • to allow vendors to place their points of rent on the map
  • to register users via mail and apple ID
  • to support an interactive map
  • to realize booking system
  • to support the user’s.comments and suggestions
  • to upload new locations for rest and taking pictures
  • to track the users on the map



Our developers streamlined the development process by selecting the most relevant technologies. Now the following features are available:

Users can:

  • register, edit their profiles, r.com the password
  • book the equipment in specific places
  • add the selected items to Favorites
  • add information pins to the interactive map
  • rate their bookings and leave.comments

Vendors can:

  • register, edit their profiles, r.com the password
  • add their vendor points to the interactive maps
  • add the lists of goods available for booking

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